Meet the Board of Directors
Alice MaynAlice Mayn, our Executive Director and Founder is mom to 4 wonderful grown kids and 3 senior dogs plus her Lily's Legacy charges. She has been a "dog Mom" since childhood and involved in rescue for the past 24 years. She was an entrepreneur and business owner in the real estate and retail sectors for 35 years until she "retired." Lily's Legacy is her fulltime passion and avocation.
Aaron Wentzell, DVMDr. Wentzell is proud to have served on the board of Lily's Legacy since its inception. Aaron has been a veterinarian since 2003, and with his wife, Mary Beth Goetting, owns and operates the Fairfax Veterinary Clinic. Through their clinic, they provide care for companion animals, and oversee the medical care for Lily's Legacy rescue dogs. In addition to serving on the board and operating the Fairfax Veterinary Clinic, Aaron is the father of three children, and cares for four pets, 2 cats and 2 dogs, all of whom were rescued.
Jay Johnston
Jay Johnston has been a dog lover his entire life. As a kid growing up in Connecticut in the mid 1960’s, his first dog was a Vizsla when there were fewer than a 1,000 in the entire country!!! Vizslas have been part of his life ever since. He was very excited when Alice Mayn approached him to be on the board of Lily’s Legacy. He has a deep concern for the needs of large breed senior dogs and of how few large breed dog senior rescue organizations there are in the United States to help them. Jay brings a wealth of both dog knowledge and business knowledge to Lily’s Legacy board. He lives in Sausalito, CA and is a wealth advisor at a major investment bank. Jody Mengarelli
Jody Mengarelli and her husband, Mark have been fosters for Lily’s Legacy since 2014. Jody became involved with dog rescue when she adopted her first beagle, Sadie Louise, from the San Francisco SPCA in 1994. Sadie lived to be 19 years old. In addition to loving all senior dogs, Jody has been a passionate supporter of senior retired racing greyhounds. She has been volunteering and adopting senior retired racers with Golden State Greyhound Adoption, since 2009. In addition to serving on Lily’s board, Jody enjoys caring for her two senior hounds and two German Shepherd rescues. Born and raised in San Rafael, she continues to live there with her husband and is a Senior Accountant with By the Bay Health in Larkspur, CA |
Allison McLanahan
Allison McLanahan has been a volunteer with Lily’s Legacy since its inception. She has managed all aspects of intake, fostering, and adoptions, and participates in fundraising and event planning. She collaborates with other volunteers to manage Lily's Legacy's social media expansion and presence. Allison enjoyed a 30-year career in social work, with children, families, and senior humans, and most recently (c. 2017) opened, owns, and operates an antiques shop in the Bay Area - with Lily's Legacy brochures on display, of course! Her love of dogs and her caring for and understanding of senior pups makes her a perfect fit with Lily’s Legacy. Allison and her husband keep company with three senior dogs of their own, and one opinionated senior cat.
Pris RidgwayPris and her late husband, Jim, in 46 years together, adopted over 24 rescue dogs. Pris is a firm believer in rescue and in our responsibility to care for any animal in need but maybe particularly
those older dogs who need our love and care. “It’s the senior dogs who captured our hearts and it sometimes only 'takes a moment' to find yourself loving that four-legged, white muzzled, somewhat slow moving old soul who showed up on your doorstep! I am grateful for those dogs who came to us, and now to me. I am honored to be a part of meeting the goals established by Lily’s Legacy to provide love and a safe haven to our large breed, senior dogs who come to Lily’s Legacy desperately in need of our care and loving homes.” Pris spent her career as a registered nurse in both hospital and medical office positions as well as in office management for both Neurology and Internal Medicine practices. After retiring she consulted for a medical practice management company. Margaret LipMargaret and her family LOVE dogs! In honor of her family’s beloved border collie, Charley, Margaret is committed to furthering Lily’s mission to provide a safe haven for senior dogs who are in need of care and loving homes. They experienced firsthand that heaven and angels do exist on earth – at Lily’s Sanctuary. Margaret is extremely grateful to be born, raised, educated and residing in the San Francisco Bay Area. She is a Managing Director at the Fremont Group and a board member of the Fremont Group Foundation.
Laurel Stanley - Legal AdvisorLaurel Stanley is a long time animal rescue volunteer and has served on the Boards of Directors for Save San Francisco Bay Association, NORCAL Golden Retriever Rescue (of which she is a past president) and, currently Lily's Legacy. Laurel is an attorney with 25 years of experience handling real estate in California. She and her husband have 2 dogs -- one of whom is a rescued senior - including 9 year old Shawnee, adopted from Lily's Legacy this year.